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Rentvine Integration

Two-way data sync empowers you and your team with a comprehensive and seamless inspection process.

Josselyn Navas avatar
Written by Josselyn Navas
Updated over a month ago

Two-way data sync empowers you and your team with a comprehensive and seamless inspection process.

About the Rentvine Integration

The Rentvine integration enables a seamless two-way data sync between Rentvine and RentCheck. This means your property, unit, and resident information stays up-to-date effortlessly.

​Features included with the integration:

  • Accurate property, lease, and resident data within RentCheck.

  • Every 24 hours, property and resident data is synced directly from Rentvine to RentCheck

  • Instantly sync inspection reports back to Rentvine for easy access under property and lease.

Enabling the Rentvine Integration in RentCheck

The Rentvine integration is available on the Professional Plan. For further information, visit our pricing page. To upgrade or start a free 14-day Professional trial, go to your billing page.

Once you’ve confirmed you are on the correct plan, follow the below steps to set up your integration.

  1. Go to the Integrations page.

  2. Select Rentvine > Install.

  3. You’ll be asked to enter your Corporation ID, API Key, and API Secret in a pop-up. Details below.

    1. Corporation ID: From Rentvine, look for the ID in the URL before “”. In the example below, the Corporation ID would be “demopm11”. Copy this into the “Corporation ID” section in RentCheck.

    2. API Key and API Secret: From Rentvine,

      1. Go to Settings > Account > Users, Roles, API Keys > API.

      2. Select New API Key.

      3. You’ll get a side panel to create a new API Key. You can name this new API Key 'RentCheck Integration' and set the role as 'Adminstrator'.

      4. Hit Save. You will see a new API key and secret.

IMPORTANT: Save your API Key and Secret for your team—they cannot be retrieved later. For example, copy them into a shared Google Doc. If lost, you'll need to create a new key and reinstall RentCheck.

4. Going back to the RentCheck popup, select Install.

Configuring Rentvine Data Sync Settings in RentCheck

Once you’ve enabled the Rentvine integration, you’ll need to set up your data sync settings.

  1. Click into Rentvine > Data Sync Settings.

  2. Select Set Up Sync

  3. Portfolio Selection: Control which Rentvine portfolios sync with RentCheck. Only units/buildings from the selected portfolio(s) will be visible. These portfolios will not sync until you save and sync. If no portfolio selection is made, all available portfolios will be synced.

  4. Property Type Selection: Select one or more property types to sync with RentCheck. Only properties with one of these property types will be added and synced. Garages and Lots won’t be synced or be visible in the list.

  5. Team Assignment: Map Rentvine portfolios to RentCheck teams. As updates are made in Rentvine, RentCheck team assignments will also be automatically updated in RentCheck on a daily basis. You must set a default team for unmapped properties.

  6. Unit Sync - turn ON to import and update units from Rentvine daily. Append Rentvine unit name to the RentCheck address field - check this box to append the Rentvine unit name to the address.

  7. Building Sync - turn ON to import and update buildings from Rentvine daily.

  8. Residents Sync - turn ON to import and update residents from Rentvine daily. Inspection Sync - turn ON to export inspection reports into Rentvine twice a day.

  9. Once everything looks good, select Save.

  10. Scan the Review Your Sync Details screen to ensure everything looks correct.

  11. Select Confirm.

Understanding the Sync Schedule

RentCheck imports properties and resident information from Rentvine. It exports inspection information into Rentvine. Below is the sync schedule for automatic syncs:

  • Unit Sync - occurs automatically every 24 hours

  • Building Sync - occurs automatically every 24 hours

  • Resident Sync - occurs automatically every 24 hours

  • Inspection Sync - occurs automatically every 12 hours

Inspection Sync: Where Inspections Appear in RentVine & Manual Syncing

RentCheck inspections can be found in the Property and Leases Tabs in Rentvine.

  • Property: Properties > Select Property > Property Details > Files

  • Leases: Leases > Select Lease > Files

You can manually sync an inspection from RentCheck to Rentvine by clicking into an inspection and selecting the manual sync icon.

You can confirm that an inspection has been synced to Rentvine when it was the Rentvine sync icon.

Resident & Property Sync: Process and Handling Unsynced Data

Deactivating a property in Rentvine

If you deactivate a property in Rentvine, the associated property in RentCheck will be deleted with all associated units, residents, inspections (scheduled and in progress), and leases.

Handling Synced and Unsynced Data:

If the unit is synced with Rentvine, it will be shown on the Unit Detail page, with a tooltip describing when it was last synced.

If the resident/lease is synced with Rentvine, it will appear in the Resident Detail popup, along with a tooltip that provides details about when it was last synced.

Even with active integration sync, there might be times when a property that exists on RentCheck might NOT be synced with Rentvine for various reasons.

  1. Property was manually created on RentCheck

    Consequence: In this case, this property will never be back-synced with Rentvine and we will show an unsynced tag on the Property Detail page.

    Action: If a duplicate synced property exists in RentCheck which was synced over from Rentvine, you can manually merge the 2 properties using the ‘Merge’ icon on the Property Detail page or delete the unsynced property from RentCheck.

  2. Property was deleted from Rentvine OR if the portfolio is unselected from the Data Sync Settings that was previously shared with RentCheck

    Consequence: All properties in RentCheck will stop receiving updates from Rentvine and eventually fall out of sync. We will show an unsynced tag on the Property Detail page.

    Action: You can manually delete the property from RentCheck to maintain the data correctness.

Troubleshooting guide

Q: What if my properties are not syncing?

A: Please ensure that your units are (1) active (2) in a portfolio that RentCheck has access to and (3) of a property type that RentCheck has access to (e.g, Single Family v. Condo).

Q: What if a property I just added is not coming over to RentCheck?

A: Please wait up to 24 hours for a newly added property to come over to RentCheck. This is because our automatic unit sync happens every 24 hours.

Q: What if my inspection PDF is not syncing over to Rentvine?

A: Please wait up to 12 hours for an inspection PDF report to sync over to Rentvine. This is because our automatic inspection sync happens every 12 hours. If you need to sync an inspection urgently, please click into the relevant inspection and use the manual sync option.

Note to current customers interested in the Rentvine integration:

If you are a current customer interested in the Rentvine integration, please use our chat function to have our Customer Experience team support you through the integration process.

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