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New! Media View

Introducing a fresh way to view your completed inspections!

Josselyn Navas avatar
Written by Josselyn Navas
Updated over a week ago

What is Media View?

Media view is a mobile-friendly, alternate way to review completed inspections. In comparison to its List View counterpart, media view allows you to hone in on specific feature pictures, rotate images, flag items for maintenance, all while staying on one page. Media view is available both in the web and mobile apps.

Where can I access Media View?

Access media view by clicking into an inspection and selecting the human and magnifying glass icon near the “Manage” tab.

Media view is only available on completed inspections. This includes inspections with statuses:

  • Completed

  • In Review

  • Awaiting Review

  • Revision Requested

  • Revision Review

  • Approved

For a thorough review of what all inspection statuses mean, check out our Inspection Status Guide.

What are the key features of Media View?

We’re glad you asked! Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Flag items for maintenance from a specific feature picture.

2. Rotate pictures without having to deal with a new pop-up.

3. Move between features (e.g. “Previous Feature” and “Next Feature”) and scroll through the entire inspection, all in one page.

4. Add to a revision request.

5. “Expand details” to review feature details like flagged items and questions. “Collapse details” to see only feature ratings and notes.



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