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Annual Inspections
Jack Stallard avatar
Written by Jack Stallard
Updated over 2 years ago

What is a RentCheck Annual inspection?

RentCheck annual inspections are designed to be routine inspections of your property. Annual inspections enable Property Managers to check out and document the condition of the rental, ensure appliances are up-to-date and serviced, check in with your renters, and identify any potential problems or lease violations.

Annual Inspections are identical in structure to move-in inspections making it easy to compare a unit's condition from move-in to the property's current state.

With RentCheck Annual inspections, property managers and landlords can:

  • Compare a unit's condition from move-in to the property's current state.

  • Prevent potential expensive damage early y identifying issues

  • Provide increased visibility and transparency to residents minimizing disagreements and disputes

  • Share completed reports with residents and other relevant parties for review and digital sign-off.

  • Reduce turn time and costs by flagging issues identified in Annual inspections to easily create work orders and punch lists for maintenance and turn teams.

How long does a RentCheck Annual inspection take?

RentCheck Annual inspections typically take about 30-60 minutes depending on the size of the unit. We also offer a fast-track option designed specifically for property management professionals that takes about 10 minutes to complete on average.

What's included in a RentCheck Annual inspection checklist?

RentCheck's standard Annual inspection includes the steps and questions outlined below for all relevant rooms and exterior areas.

Click on the quick link to go directly to the room details:

Front Yard

Room / Area

Feature Name



Front Yard

Front Yard

Take several photos of the front yard, including the mailbox, and focusing on any damage or issues.

Is the front yard free of trash and debris?

Is the front yard free of overgrowth?

Mailbox is present and intact?

Front Porch

Room / Area

Feature Name



Front Porch

Front Porch

Take several photos of the front porch floor, steps and handrail, focusing on any damage.

Are the porch steps and floor free of any major cracks or damage?

Is the porch handrail properly secured?

Side Porch

Room / Area

Feature Name



Side Porch

Side Porch

Take several photos of the side porch floor, steps and handrail, focus on any damage.

Are the porch steps and floor free of any major cracks or damage?

Is the porch handrail properly secured?

Front Door

Room / Area

Feature Name



Front Door

Front Door - Exterior and Interior

Take several pictures of the outside and inside of the front door in its entirety.

Does the door open and close properly?

Does the door lock properly?


Room / Area

Feature Name





While standing in front of the stove, take a picture of the entire cooktop.

Do all burners work properly?

Does the stove have a working vent?



Take pictures of the outside and inside of the oven in its entirety.

Are all oven racks there?

Does the door open and close properly?



Take pictures of the outside and inside of the dishwasher in its entirety.

Do the racks pull out properly?

Is the inside clean?

Does the door open and close properly?

Do the controls work properly?


Kitchen Fridge & Freezer

Take several pictures of the outside and inside of both the fridge and freezer.

Does the fridge and freezer cool properly?

Do the doors and drawers open and close properly?

Does the light work properly?


Water and Ice Dispenser

Take a photo of the automatic water and ice dispenser.

Does it dispense ice properly?

Does it make ice properly?


Kitchen Sink

While standing in front of the sink, take a picture of the entire sink.

Does the faucet have normal water pressure?

Is the faucet free of any leaks?

Is the sink free of chips, scratches, or stains?


Under Kitchen Sink

Open the cupboard below the kitchen sink and take a photo of the inside.

Are the pipes under the sink free from leaks?


Garbage Disposal

Take a photo of the garbage disposal.

Does it turn on and off properly?

Is it free of odors?


Kitchen Cabinets

Take several photos of the upper and lower cabinets.

Do all drawers and doors open properly?

Is all hardware on the cabinets?


Kitchen Counters

Take several photos of the countertops.

Are the counters free from any major cracks or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?



Take photos of outside and inside of the microwave.

Does the microwave work properly?


Kitchen Floor

Take several photos of the kitchen floors. Focus on any damage or stains.

Is the floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Kitchen Ceiling

Take several photos of the kitchen ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work properly?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?


Kitchen Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?


Kitchen Windows

If the kitchen has windows, take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?

Dining Room

Room / Area

Feature Name



Dining Room

Dining Room Ceiling

Take several photos of the dining room ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures and/or fans work?

Is the ceiling free of any cracks, stains, or damage?

Is there a working smoke alarm in the room?

Dining Room

Dining Room Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free of any major cracks, stains, or damage?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Dining Room

Dining Room Windows

Take several photos of the dining room windows, focusing on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?

Dining Room

Dining Room Floor

Take several photos of the dining room floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major scratches, cracks, or stains?

Living Room

Room / Area

Feature Name



Living Room

Living Room Ceiling

Take several photos of the living room ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures and/or fans work?

Is the ceiling free of any cracks, stains, or damage?

Living Room

Living Room Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free of any major cracks, stains, or damage?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Living Room

Living Room Windows

Take several photos of the living room windows, focusing on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?

Living Room

Living Room Floor

Take several photos of the living room floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?

Family Room

Room / Area

Feature Name



Family Room

Family Room Ceiling

Take several photos of the family room ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?

Family Room

Family Room Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Family Room

Family Room Windows

If there are windows in the laundry room, take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?

Family Room

Family Room Floor

Take several photos of the family room floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Bedroom Door - Exterior and Interior

Take several photos of the outside and inside of the bedroom door in its entirety.

Does all of the door hardware work correctly?

Does the door open and close properly?

Is the door free from any major damage?


Bedroom Ceiling

Take several photos of the bedroom ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work?

Is the ceiling free from any cracks, stains, or damage?

Does the room have a working smoke alarm?

If there is a working smoke alarm, have you tested it recently?


Bedroom Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, stains, or damage?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?


Bedroom Windows

If there are windows in the bedroom take several photos of them.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?


Bedroom Floor

Take several photos of the bedroom floor.

Is it free from any major scratches, cracks, or stains?


Bedroom Closet

If there is a closet take several photos, inside and out.

Does the door(s) open and close properly?

Is there a working light in the closet?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Bathroom Door - Exterior and Interior

Take several pictures of the outside and inside of the bathroom door in its entirety.

Does all of the door hardware work correctly?

Does the door open and close properly?

Is the door free from any major damage?


Bathroom Ceiling

Take several photos of the bathroom ceiling, vent fan, and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures work?

Is the ceiling free from any cracks, stains, or damage?

Is there a working vent fan?


Bathroom Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are walls free from any major cracks, stains, or holes?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Are there towel racks or hooks?


Bathroom Floor

Take several photos of the bathroom floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free from any major scratches, cracks, or stains?


Bathroom Toilet

Standing in front of the toilet, take a photo of the toilet.

Does the toilet flush properly?

Does the toilet refill properly after flushing?

Does the toilet stop running after refilling (wait for it)?

Is the toilet free from any damage or stains?

Is the toilet free from any leaks around the base?


Bathroom Shower and Tub

Take several photos of the shower, tub, and plumbing fixtures.

Do all plumbing fixtures work properly?

Does the shower and tub drain properly?

Is it free from any major stains, cracks, or scratches?

Does the shower and/or tub have proper caulking?


Bathroom Sink

Take several photos of the bathroom sink(s), mirror(s), and light fixtures.

Do all faucets have normal water pressure?

Are all faucets free from any leaking water?

Do all of the sinks drain properly?

Are sinks & counters free of chips, cracks, or stains?

Do drawers and doors open and close properly?

Are handles and hardware in place?

Are mirrors free from any cracks or damage?

Do all of the light fixtures work?


Under Bathroom Sink

Take several photos under the bathroom sink(s).

Are pipes under the sink(s) free from leaking water?


Bathroom Windows

If there are windows in the bathroom take photos, focusing on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?

Laundry Room

Room / Area

Feature Name



Laundry Room

Washer - Exterior & Interior

Take several photos of the outside and inside of the washer in its entirety.

Does the door open and close properly?

Do the controls work properly?

Laundry Room

Dryer - Exterior & Interior

Take several photos of the outside and inside of the dryer in its entirety.

Does the door open and close properly?

Do the controls work properly?

Laundry Room

Laundry Room Floor

Take several photos of the laundry room floor, focusing on any damage.

Is ithe floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?

Laundry Room

Laundry Room Ceiling

Take several photos of the laundry room ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work properly?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?

Laundry Room

Laundry Room Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Laundry Room

Laundry Room Windows

If there are windows in the laundry room, take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Den Ceiling

Take several photos of the den ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?


Den Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?


Den Windows

If there are windows in the den take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?


Den Floor

Take several photos of the den floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Stairway Ceiling

Take several photos of the stairway ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures work?

Is the ceiling free of any major cracks, stains, or damage?


Stairway Walls & Handrail

Take several photos of the stairway walls and handrail, focusing on any damage.

Are the walls free of any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Is the handrail secured to the wall?


Stairway Windows

Take several photos of any stairway windows, focusing on any damage.

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?


Stairway Steps

Take several photos of the steps, focusing on any damage.

Are they free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Hallway Ceiling

Take several photos of the hallway ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work properly?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?


Hallway Walls

Take several photos of the hallway walls, focusing on any damage.

Are the walls free of any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?


Hallway Windows

If there are any windows in the hallway take several photos of them, focusing on any damage.

Do all of the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?


Hallway Floor

Take several photos of the hallway floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Basement Stairway

Take several photos of the stairway to the basement, focusing on any damage.

Are the stairway walls free of any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Is the handrail secured to the wall?

Are the steps free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Basement Ceiling

Take several photos of the basement ceiling and light fixtures.

Is the ceiling free of any major cracks, stains, or damage?

Do all of the light fixtures work?


Basement Floor

Take several photos of the basement floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major scratches, cracks, or stains


Basement Windows

If there are windows in the basement take several photos of them.

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are the glass panes free from damage?


Basement Walls

Stand back from each corner of the basement to ensure you get photos of the walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Back Porch

Room / Area

Feature Name



Back Porch

Back Porch or Deck

Take several photos of the back porch / deck floor, steps and handrail, focusing on any damage.

Are the porch steps and floor free of any major cracks or damage?

Is the handrail properly secured?

Back Door

Room / Area

Feature Name



Back Door

Back Door

Take a few pictures of the outside and inside of the back door in its entirety.

Does the door open and close properly?

Is the door free of cracks or damage?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Garage Door

While standing outside the garage, take a picture of the entire garage door.

Does the garage door opener work properly?

Is all hardware properly installed and secured?

Are cables in good condition with no visible signs of fatigue?


Garage Walls

Take several photos of the garage walls, focus on any damage.

Are walls free from any major cracks, holes, or damage?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Are shelves secured to the wall?


Garage Ceiling

Take several photos of the garage ceiling and light fixtures.

Does the garage light fixture(s) work properly?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or damage?


Room / Area

Feature Name





While standing outside of the carport, take several photos of the carport walls, ceiling, and light fixtures, focusing on any damage.

Walls free from any major cracks, holes, or damage?

If a light fixture is present does it work properly?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or damage?


Room / Area

Feature Name





Take several photos of the backyard focusing on any damage or issues.

Is the backyard free of trash and debris?

Is the backyard free of overgrowth?

If fenced in, is the fencing free of damage?

If there is a working carbon monoxide detector, did you test it?


Room / Area

Feature Name





Take several photos of the pool focusing on any damage or issues.

Is the pool clean and in good condition?

Is the pool pump working properly?

Storage Room

Room / Area

Feature Name



Storage Room

Storage Room Ceiling

Take several photos of the storage room ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?

Storage Room

Storage Room Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?

Storage Room

Storage Room Windows

If there are windows in the storage room take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?

Storage Room

Storage Room Floor

Take several photos of the storage room floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Loft Ceiling

Take several photos of the loft ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?


Loft Walls

Stand back from each corner of the loft to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?


Loft Windows

If there are windows in the loft take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?



Take several photos of the loft floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Office Ceiling

Take several photos of the office ceiling and light fixtures.

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work?

Is the ceiling free from any major cracks or stains?


Office Walls

Stand back from each corner of the room to ensure you get photos of the room and walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks, holes, or stains?

Do all of the electrical outlets work?

Do all of the electrical outlets have covers?


Office Windows

If there are windows in the office take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do the windows have screens?

Do the windows have working shades or blinds?

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?


Office Floor

Take several photos of the office floor, focusing on any damage.

Is ithe floor free of any major cracks, scratches or stains?


Room / Area

Feature Name




Attic Ceiling/Roof

Take several photos of the attic ceiing/roof

Do all of the light fixtures or fans work properly?

Is the ceiling/roof free from any major cracks or stains?

Is the ceiling/roof free of condensation and mold?


Attic Walls

Stand back from each corner of the attic to ensure you get photos of the walls in their entirety. Also focus on any damage.

Are the walls free from any major cracks or stains?

Are the walls free of condensation and mold?


Attic Windows

If there are windows in the attic, take several photos of them. Focus on any damage.

Do all of the windows open and close properly?

Are all glass panes free from damage?


Attic Floor

Take several photos of the attic floor, focusing on any damage.

Is the floor free of any major cracks or stains?

Is the floor free of water stains, rot, and mold?

No signs of droppings or rodent presence?


Room / Area

Feature Name





Take several photos of the overall space including any common areas.

Overall, water pressure is normal?

Floor is free of major cracks, scratches, or stains?

Ceiling free of major cracks, holes or stains?

Walls free of major cracks, holes or stains?

Windows open and close properly?

Glass panes free from damage?

Stair railings and steps secured?

No visible mold or mildew?

No signs of mice or rodents?

Is there a fire extinguisher present?


Air Filter - Step 1

Open the HVAC unit to access the air filter. Remove the air filter and take two photos - one of the top side and one of the bottom side of it.

Has the air filter been changed within the last month?

Is the air filter clean?


Air Filter - Step 2

Replace the filter with a new one if needed and place back in the HVAC unit. Take a picture of the filter in the open HVAC unit.


Smoke Alarms

Take a photo of all smoke detectors installed at the property.

Is there a smoke detector on every floor?

Is there a smoke detector in every bedroom?

Do all the smoke detectors work when tested?


Carbon Monoxide Detector

Take a photo of the carbon monoxide detector (usually in the kitchen)

Is there a working carbon monoxide detector?

If there is a working carbon monoxide detector, did you test it?

Did this answer your question?